5 Best Free Tools for Blog | Free Blogging Tools in 2024 | SEO Tools for Free

5 Best Free Tools for Blog | Free Blogging Tools in 2024 | SEO Tools for Free

Look, before starting a blog, it is very important that we do keyword research properly. We should have a keyword whose searches are good, that is, the search volume is good. People should really use the word research tool so that your blogging journey can be successful. To make it easier, in today's video, I will tell you about five such keyword research tools and will also show you how to use them. I will not just tell you the names,

 I will also tell you how to use them so that your blogging journey becomes easier. Whether you are a student or a working professional, you will not need to purchase any keyword research tool in the beginning. If you are visiting my channel for the first time, then please subscribe to the channel, do not like the video now, first watch the entire video at the And if you find this video useful then go and like it. I am your friend, your brother Saddam Qasim.

 Without further ado, let's start this video. The first free keyword research tool in our list which I have used myself. When I started blogging, the name of that tool I used is HS Free Keyword Generator. You simply have to type this URL in the web browser: AHR rs.com Keyword Generator. You will also get its link in the description of the video.

 This is Free keyword generator tool from Erus Here you can see how many searches are there on Google's particular keyword and what competition is going on etc. I will keep only United States here and then click on find keywords, so here is Joe F's free keyword generator tool. This will show you some keywords absolutely free of cost like

 how to edit videos on iphone 11 more search results than another keyword is how to edit videos on or else I will go back to googlephotos.com whose domain authority is 66 out of 100. Starting with 810, we have to see the results whose domain authority is below 40 or not. If it is going above 40 or above 30, then we will take 30. If the domain authority

 is above 30, then we should target that keyword. Well, second thing, how am I able to see the domain authority etc., I have installed an extension of u suggest here, you can do this in the search results like this domain is d script.com, its domain authority is here. 

Showing 64 estimated visits here. It will be very difficult to get D rank. Whatever is called D rank or out rank, it becomes very difficult to beat them, so we do not target such keywords, so currently there is a tool. So we tried using HS here, now see HS keyword generator will show you the results of 810 keywords starting absolutely free of cost, after that you will see many more keywords here, whose search volume you can see but their KD i.e. keywords. 

You will not be able to check the difficulty status, then it will ask you to sign up for it, then there is no problem. When you are starting a new blog, you get many keywords related to your keyword, so here you can see. You can get free SO tools, not only keyword generator but many other tools, you will get to see here which you can use absolutely 

free of cost and make your blogging journey easier. I designed and developed this website myself. So here is the keyword research tool. Now whatever is your keyword, you will type it in this search box. You can choose the country from here and then we will click on submit. So this is the second tool of Viti Ran here. You can also take keyword ideas by 

looking at what is their search volume. This estimate shows that it will not be 100% accurate but no problem, if we are getting something for free then there should be no problem or if you want exact accuracy. Then you can go towards paid but in the beginning only the free one is the best, here like the search volume is showing around how to edit videos on iPhone 11, 

it was also telling on HF, brother, the monthly searches are above Rs 1000, now HS. The one which is free basically will not show you the exact result but gives you the estimation. Similarly here also you can see the estimate. This is also showing the search volume of 18000. Edit video in iPhone7 volume is around 9900. Here also you will see many related keywords, you can also easily see their search volume. Okay, then you must try using Viti Rank.

 By the way, if you want to learn blogging, then I have written my blogging blog on Viti Rank. Course is also listed - 14 Days Blogging Course. You can learn blogging by joining this course. Now recently its price is only Rs. The advantage of taking the course is that you get mentorship, which means you are facing any problem in blogging. If you are not able 

to understand something then you can take support. Come, you just have to type this. The first website that will come is keywordtool.io. You will open it. Now here you will get Google's on keyword ideas like how to edit video on how much. Nana, try as much as you can, save your money, if we save money in keyword research tools then save it, there is no

 need to invest, you are just starting out, you must be learning a little bit of content writing, no problem, don't spend it now, here's where you can save. If you are liking this video so far then please like the video and also subscribe to the channel. Let's move towards our fourth tool with the help of which you can do accurate keyword research to a great extent.

 What you can do is Samras, we can use the free trial of Samras here. The official website of Samras is s us.com but when you go to this URL, you do not get free trial anywhere here. You will get a free trial for a few days and I will show you the power of this tool. Big bloggers use this tool to do keyword research. To use the free trial of Sage, you have to use my link. Saddam's is available absolutely free of cost. Click on Start Your Free Trial. A form will come and you 

fill it up. So now I will show you how Samras works in reality and what great results it gives you. I will directly log into my summer account, so this is my head's dashboard. Since I also do blogging, I need this tool. The premium version of this starts at $119 per month but you can get a free trial. You must try using it, so here first I have to go to the keyword overview. Now inside this box, I will type my keyword, how to edit videos or video on iPhone 7

 and you will get this most accurate result above the search volume and which is the global search volume. The meaning of this keyword is that this keyword is searched approximately 10500 times every month all over the world. US is at the forefront, then in India 

it is searched approximately 1300 times every month, then in Canada and so on, the overall keyword difficulty of this keyword is 100. It is at 62 out of which it means it is difficult to rank on it. Now you will also see many variations related to this keyword, meaning related keywords along with that, here you can also see some related questions related to that keyword

 like which we have Have you typed the main keyword? Are there any questions related to it? Googlephotos.com For How To Edit A Video On An Iphone7 There are 183 total keywords which are related to this keyword, meaning there are keywords similar to it and whose total search volume for the month is 2678. Here you can also see the trending data of each keyword, 

that is, what is the actual trend of that keyword in the trending chart, like this one which is the main keyword, the search volume of around 8100 is coming out every month. Keyword difficulty is 60 out of 100 but if you look at the chart of the trending one, it is continuously going on, that is, it is not that it has fallen suddenly or has risen, that means it is going on consistently, that 

is, people are searching for it regularly, this keyword is in trending. Similarly, if we look at the second keyword, its trending chart has fallen downwards, which means it must have come up a few days ago, more people must have searched for it, now its searches have fallen and here we are also seeing keyword difficulty. Along with that, if you will see the result here,

 what is the meaning of the result? How many websites or blogs are there in total for this particular keyword? Google 2 million are there such URLs or such domains which are there for this particular keyword. Look at google.it. It is too many. Good one. I have found more keywords, no one is targeting how to edit videos on iphone11, they must be ranking for related keywords but if no one is ranking for the exact same keyword yet, then this could be a 

good opportunity. After this, if I click on this particular keyword, then here some more data comes out related to this particular keyword and if we scroll down below, then look, Serus will also show us here which websites. I am getting ranked for this particular keyword. Now maybe there might be some data issue going on. I should refresh once because actually there is a lot of traffic on Samaras due to which sometimes the server gets down a bit. Now look,

 the data could not be uploaded here, but applebee's is on the top, so look at the top, it shows you all this data, which websites are getting ranked, at what position are they for particular keywords, trending charts, etc. everything. If you can see it here, you must try using Saraj's free trial, it is available for maybe 7 or 10 days, absolutely free of cost,

 you can use it, you will get the link in the description of the video. Now before telling the last keyword research tool. First let me fulfill my promise. A few days ago I uploaded an e-commerce video and I promised that I will provide X Store theme absolutely free to three people. The actual cost of that theme is $59. I also told the eligibility criteria. It was said, 

brother, how can you get this theme free of cost from me, so many people commented on that video and I have got the list of winners, so one of them is the user name, sorry, this is not the user name. youtube2 Hard to Crack They will get one theme, the other user is @ Siddharth Kumar 1694 @ Siddharth Kumar 1694 One is their user name, they are going to get

 free of cost only theme and the last winner is Rate Banjara Under Bhadri If all three of you means these three winners are If you are watching this video, then I have given an email below in the description of the video. If you want to contact us, then my team will provide you the theme absolutely free. So now let's move towards our last keyword research tool

 which is Word. From the stream side, we have to open the web browser and here we will open the URL: wad sm at am.com keywords. You will also find this link in the description of the video below, so this is a free keyword research tool. Now here also we will use our Let's type the keyword 'How to edit videos on i', okay and then if we click on 'Find my keywords'

 then this website also gives you a lot of data by extracting CPC competition etc. so now we just have to wait a little bit. You have to do this, this kind of popup will appear in front of you. If you want, you can choose the industry etc. Here you can also select the country. For now, we will click on Continue. We will have to wait for hardly two-four seconds and the result 

will appear in front of us. The result will not be 100% accurate because it is a free tool but yes, your work will be done, so here you can see the search volume of how to edit videos on iPhone 11 and many more related keywords are also found here. And here you can also check the competition of each keyword, as was the result on our witty ranked website, you can see similar results here too, so these were some five free keyword research tools which 

I have given you, the links of all of them. I have also given it in the description of the video below and if you want to learn blogging from zero level then definitely join my online course, it is only 14 days blogging course, the price is also very low, try using this coupon code also.

 And maybe you will get a discount and you will find the link of the course in the description of the video below. I hope this video was useful for you. If it was useful for you, then please like the video and subscribe to the channel. See you in the next video. take care of yourself till