Content Writing Tutorial for Beginners | Content Writing Full Course 2024

 Content Writing Tutorial for Beginners | Content Writing Full Course 2024

Internet is an ocean of earning money. The one who has learned to swim has earned it and the one who just took a dip and came out has nothing to do with it. There are thousands of ways on the internet through which you can earn from home, but before earning money you have to learn work. If you do not have the skill, then you can either look for work in the local market or online, you will not find anything, so first develop the skill.

 Now the question comes that there are more than 100 skills available, then which skill is easy to learn? Skills can be learned sitting at home, so let me make your problem easy. Five skills are very demanding in today's date. Website development, content writing, graphics designing, video editing and social media marketing like Facebook's is 

a process of writing based content. With the help of this skill, you can start a blog or work as a content writer for any other blogger but you can also earn on the basis of blog posts or you can also work on monthly salary and for this you will not have to physically There is no need to go anywhere and do a job, you can work from home and deliver it online. 

How much can you earn? You can charge Rs. 00 to Rs. 000 easily for a blog article of 1000 words, which means for writing each new article. You can earn up to Rs. 000 per month and this is very less. Big brands like Fuss Hai or Main Bal Hai,

 if you write blog articles etc. for them, then they pay you Rs. 1 to lakh per month. Some such content writers Those who are experienced are paid Rs 1000 per month, so see the potential in it, the earning is very good, but you should know how to write content and not only blogs, you can also write content for clients' websites and magazines. You can write trending news articles for users. 

You can also earn a lot by writing video descriptions or subtitles for users. Writing subtitles is also a part of content writing. Now the question arises that you do not know how to write content. If you do n't even write then how will you do professional content writing? Hey brother, look, you start from zero only, it takes a lot of time for people to

 reach 100, so let's get you started in the content writing field and I will teach you a very easy method to create content. Qasim, after watching this video of writing, don't subscribe, don't like, just watch the video, that's enough for me and in the end, if you feel that the video was useful, then it's your choice. If you want to like and subscribe, do it, otherwise I will. 

There will be no complaints from you, now see, writing content is very easy, I will first teach you content writing, how to write, after that we will talk further brother, how to do research and observe, how to write good content and what is the structure of your content. If it is necessary, then first of all we should understand how we will write the content. Now, 

it may be that you do not know English, you are from Hindi medium, then how will you actually write the content. Open Microsoft Word on your computer, if you are using Mac. Using Pages etc. means you have to use any text editor. What is our title? Let's write the title here. Let's write the title here. How to start an e-commerce business. Okay, this is our title. 

I have made it bold. Right after this, now the story starts here. Look, the first thing we have to understand is that if we have got the title ' How to Start an E-Commerce Business' and the client has asked, 'If you write a complete single word content on it,

 then the most First thing you should have idea about this topic do you know when any user is coming how to start an e-commerce business if I am the one google-my will like that blog google3 likes the blog which is perfect Gives information, gives accurate information, so the first thing in our mind is the keyword i.e. the title which is not the keyword, its intention is clear which

 we call keyword intent that the user would like to gather information in actual that how he can run the e-commerce business. Start now, we have to write our content keeping this thing in mind. Now it is not necessary that you also have an idea about this topic.

 Do you know how to start an e-commerce business? You may not know. Yes, but brother, if the client says, write an article of 1000 words on this, then you will have to write it and then what is the best thing to do, we copy this keyword from here and how to start google-my, then here is the information. First he explained what is e-commerce business. 

If you do not know, read a little and you will understand what is e-commerce business. After this, look here, he has explained some points. Step one will be research and validate. Give your business idea, after this he has given some more things, so when you read this, you will get a little idea about what is an e-commerce business and how to start it. When we get a little idea about a topic. If we get it then we will be able to write about it in a better way. 

If we know the process of how to start an e-commerce business, then we will be able to write that process in an easy way, meaning the content should be written about it. You will be able to do this, that is why it is very important to have an idea about whatever topic you have got. Do get some idea. I am not saying that go into it very deeply,

 understand it very deeply. It is very important to have some superficial knowledge. Okay, so agree with us. You got the idea from here brother, how to start an e-commerce business and what happens, now let's go back to your word file, now what will you do here, I will completely eliminate the language barrier. If you do not know English, there is no problem.

 Do you do chatting? In which language do you do chatting? Do you do it in English language? When you write, like I am coming now, if you write like this, starting a whatsapp-web business is everyone's dream because there is a lot of money in it and we There is no need to open a physical shop, put a full stop and then push enter. We also have to try not

 to write long paragraphs, just include 30 to 35 words in a paragraph and then break that paragraph. Meaning, start the next paragraph, then we can write something else. E-commerce business is no doubt a profitable business, but before starting it, we should know the complete process of how to start an e-commerce business. Let's write something like this, this is a kind of introduction, we do not have to reach the point directly. If someone has given 

us the title here, How to Start an E-commerce Business, then we will not directly start from step one that e-commerce To start an e-commerce business, first do this, then do this. This does not happen. We have to write a little introduction in the beginning. We try to interact with the users to know what is e-commerce business. Do you know what is e-commerce business?

 Brother, e-commerce business is this. It is everyone's dream to start an e-commerce business but it is not as easy as it looks, it is profitable but if you do not follow the right process. If you know then you will fail, that is, see a little story, we have to write a story, a content writer is able to write good content only when he lives in the content all the time, like 

a poet, poems keep running in the mind of every poet all the time. Only then he is able to compose new poems. In the same way, if you want to become a content writer, then you should keep wandering in the content mind all the time. I am a user, I sit and think about videos all the time. I wonder which video should I make now? This video can be good, it

 can give good value to my audience, this is something new which I can teach to my audience, only then I am able to make good videos. Similarly, for content writing, you You have to think about the content all the time. You have to live in the content only. Okay, look, I have written a little story here, now after this I am not able to understand which headings 

I should cover up. Brother, it is very important to write headings. If you If I tell you directly, if you write an article of 1000 words, then what will you write? You will not understand it and you will tell me two-four steps what to write, but you will not understand what I should explain in them, that is why we follow proper heading structure. Whatever article you write, definitely include the headings in it, then it becomes very easy to explain each heading. 

Now maybe you did not understand which headings should I cover, so for this we use Google-my e- Commerce Business This is a question and when I click on it, it gets expanded and here I see some points related to it. Similarly, if I read this question, how much does it cost to start an e-commerce? Is this a question which is related to my own topic? This one was the same, so if it becomes like a topic, then I will not take it, but here it is 'How much 

does it cost to start an e-commerce'? It is related to this topic of mine and I can also write it in my article, so what will I do, now I will start making headings, first of all I will write the heading, then I will set its structure later, what can happen, how much does it happen? It is the cost to start an e-commerce, you can also start a business. Well, 

why am I saying that you can start a business, the reason is that you can get traffic through this also, which means good content if you are writing on the blog. Content is there, you get traffic from here also. Look, the first question is, I will expand it. Look, is coming here, so people come from here too, that is, they reach your blog, your website, so it is important to understand the content. One more question we can include is

 Is e-commerce profitable? If people ask about this, we will mention it too Is e- commerce profitable and further we can add something of our own. I have included these 2024 questions. Okay, this is a good one. The question I am seeing here is Is e-commerce good for small business? Is e-commerce good for small business? No doubt, if someone is typing this keyword, how to start an e-commerce business, the person is completely new. If a 

new person wants to start his own e-commerce business then of course he wants to start a small business and when here he will see this e-commerce is good for small business then he will see bha small business so I also mean this. There may be a good heading somewhere, so we mention it in this document of ours, Is e-commerce good for small

 business? Okay, now we have got three headings here, but these are common questions related to our post. But still these are not solving the user's problem. What did the user search? How to start an e-commerce business. Is the user able to understand from these three points how to start an e-commerce business? We have not told the steps yet, so we have

 included the essential headings that yes brother, is e-commerce business profitable or not in 2024, why is it good for small business, etc. Now here we have to include the main steps also. So do one thing let's go back to do research so that you can check brother which product is good which you can sell so the first heading what I have got is Research and Find a Profitable Product so I will go directly to this document. Let me write the heading

 Step One Research a Profitable Product Okay now how to do the research we will explain later in this What will be the next step Step number two Research of the product is done Now what is the second thing saying here Curing Products and Sourcing Them from reliable supplier So what can we mention here Find a reliable wholesaler and supplier Second heading got it And of course this is the step First find a profitable product and then find its wholesaler 

What will come in the third step STP 3 Third Step What is being said in the course? Choose selling channels to connect with the customer. This means any platform where you can sell the product to the customer. The simple meaning is understandable. 

Create your own e-commerce store and then what is step four? In step four it is written, Listing product and optimizing content to drive sales, meaning you have created an e-commerce store, now list your products, write content etc. then list out your product on the e-commerce store and in step five. Will marketing come? Market your product to boost sales.

 Total five steps are mentioned here. Now our main query was how to start an e-commerce business. When the user comes to this blog post, he gets all the five steps here. But first you have to research the product, find out the profitable product, then find the wholesaler, create an e-commerce store, list your product and do marketing, e-commerce business starts in this way, one more step here, if you want. So, we could have put like after step four, here

 we could have put one more step, step five, register your business, right now, register your business, because without business registration, payment gateway etc. will not be available, register your business and also one more step. Step 6: Get a payment gateway can come here because without a payment gateway, how will I get online payment and here we do it. Now look at the seventh step because this was not my niche, how to start an e-commerce business. 

I don't know what to do but when I started planning the content, I understood two-three points, brother, this should also be there, neither is there a good content plan like this, you have to plan the heading first. Then what has to be explained in the heading is a later matter. First come with the main headings. Now see how many headings I have here. Total seven

 headings so this is 8 9 10 10 headings are there to explain amazon-in. Will do like what is the first heading, How much does it cost to start an e-commerce business? Brother, how much does it cost to start an e-commerce business, do I know, neither do I know nor do you know, let's do one thing from here. Copy it, I just copied it. Let's go back and search so that I can get the idea. How much does it cost to start an e-commerce business? Let's leave it. You

 will get the best answers on Quora because real people give answers here. So let's open it in a new tab, okay, let's see what answer is coming on Quora, then this is the answer of AI, we will not pay attention to it, here is Sangam Kumar, he has written ' Starting an e-commerce business can be affordable' If done wise let me tell you where you have to spend your money,

 see how right he has written, he told brother that starting in e-commerce business could be affordable and he explained this thing that starting in e-commerce business If there is any cost in hosting, then there is cost in buying the domain. Domain, which is the name of the website, its annual cost ranges from ₹ 600 to 900. The cost of web hosting is around ₹ 1200. But the web hosting of the year i.e. which keeps your business and your website live on the internet comes with the development cost, that is, if you get your e-commerce store built by someone,

 then the cost ranges from ₹ 5000 to ₹ lakh is also included in this. The Way: If you want to create your own e-commerce store, you can create it without coding. Yes, I am telling you this. If you want to launch your own e-commerce store, then I have made this video. You can create an amazing high class e-commerce store with online payments. If you want,

 you can watch this video. You will find its link in the description. I have already published it on my channel. You will be able to create an amazing e-commerce store. You will come back. Look, this development cost is saved, but yes, you will have to write in your article, after this, the logistics means the shipping partner. If any order comes to you, then how will you get it delivered to the user? The delivery people also charge you. If we do it then it also costs money, so these are some of the expenses that he has mentioned here. Now if I have this point,

 how much does it cost to start an e-commerce business, if I have to explain it, look at this guy, I have Read the answer, I understood. Yes brother, there is cost, so how will I start here? Writing content, I will write something like this. Starting an e-commerce business is affordable and anyone can do it, but in some things you need to Investment has to be made like 

and here I have explained the first point, domain name. You have to take a domain name for your e-commerce business which will be the name of your website. Its annual cost is approximately Rs 600 to Rs 900. If you want to run e-commerce business only in India, then you can take dot in domain name, else wise co is the best, okay see how correct I have written the paragraph here, see how these thoughts come in mind. They are generated when we read 

content related to it somewhere else. Look, I had read about the domain name here, so I had got the idea, brother, that the cost of purchase is around Rs. 00 to Rs. 900 and what is a domain name? In the same way you will explain each point. You have written this head in Google2 English. How to convert it into English? Once it has come on the site, now here

 you have to translate it from Hindi to English. Okay, so here you You will paste your English content. I pasted it and it will automatically translate it into English. Starting an e-commerce business is affordable and any one can do it but you have to invest in things like. Okay, I copied it here. Done, come back and paste that content in its place, then what happens that it gets converted from English to English and since you had written 100% unique content in English,

 it is neither going to come in the deduction of AI nor That is someone's copyrighted duplicate content. This is your own generated content. Have you understood the process which I have explained to you? Follow it. In this way you will be able to generate amazing content because we all have the knowledge in Hindi or Urdu. Good ideas come directly. 

If you start with English then you will have to think, what should I write? After that you have to translate it into English words too, then that headache gets eliminated. If you write content in English language then you can write it comfortably. You will get proper structure, you will also create unique content, so neither will you have to spend

 any money on AI tool nor will there be any tension, brother, you have learned how to write content, as soon as you start writing content, you will get 4 8 10 articles. If you write, you will become very fluent, it will seem very easy, then you have to do a little research in starting to write content. You will write two-four articles and you will become perfect. Now let's talk brother, where do you get the work? Content writers should know how to write content.

 If so, where will you get the job and who will provide the work, there are many posts for this because this is a freelancing platform, here basically people sell their services, like if we go into writing, then see here a section with articles and blog posts. It is coming, I click on it, now on top of this page you will see all those people who write content, write blog

 posts or articles etc. Well, all of them are Englishmen, you can see their price and how many number of words is there, how much is the charge. We do that also, we will be able to see it here, so let's do one thing, let's go into seller details and here I want to find the people who live in India. Seller live in India means those content writers who live in India. How many are there? There are 3778 people like this. Those who are currently registered on this platform, apply once. 

Okay, look now, there is one SIM card, their service starts from $10, I open it, open one or two more in a new tab, like this lady. Maybe I am having a chat, let's open this too and Tanvi Mishra is the top rated one, let's open this too, I am reviewing all three. Look, we provide these services here, basic means for $10, we will write a SO optimized blog post for just Rs 300. This guy charges $10 for writing an article of 300 words in Word. How much does $10 mean in USD to IAR? 

Let's convert once and see. 110 means 9188 for writing 300 words. You see how much potential there is in it. If we go by the standard then he charges $50 for 1000 words. How much is $50? 250 837 This guy charges just for writing an article of 1000 words. Do you understand how much potential there is? Content is the king in today's date. He is a YouTuber and he also needs content.

 He has to get script writing done, description of the video has to be written, all the titles have to be written. Only a content writer does all this work. Nowadays, people start blogs. Bloggers also need a content writer who is a big person. -There are big blogs like Fobs, Mashable etc., these people do not write articles by themselves, they have a team of blog writers, 

they have a team of content writers, they outsource their work, they hire blog writers, if you need content writing. They know that they can hire you too and they pay you Rs. 1.5 lakhs per month. The payout is very good, so in today's date, don't look at the content, only the content is going on, whereas if I look at the services of others, like this is a girl, how much does she charge for $50 after doing a chat? She will give $50 for 500 words, $50 for 800 words and 

in premium service, she will give $500 by writing an article of 2000 words. Okay, now the question also comes, brother, is it possible to get the work done by making a profile or not, so you see here. What does one order in mean, right now it is already working with one client, 62 empty reviews have come, that means there are 62 clients who have given 

it a review and who knows how many more clients may have already done this work, who got the work done but maybe a review. If not then 62 people have already given it a review. If you multiply 62 by $50 here, calculate it yourself and tell by commenting. This much he must have earned. Similarly, there is another one here whose profile is in front of me. The price is a little less, starting from $35, it starts with 500 words and then writes an article of 1000 words

 for $65, and then writes an article of 1500 words for $95, even then it is very good, it is very good to start with, if you get $35. You get $35, which means around Rs. 00, so what is bad? Writing an article of 500 words is all you have to do, bring thoughts in your mind and write, it is very easy and also see these, 20 reviews are already received and top from F. 

If you have also got the badge of Rated, then see brother, there is a lot of potential in content writing, not only in content writing, there is a lot of potential in other skills too, I would only suggest you that if you understand content writing then learn it. Lo, if you don't understand this then there are many other skills like WordPress development, you can learn WordPress, how to create websites without coding, go and watch this video, this is already an online course of mine, just ₹ 1 for that course. Inside you can learn complete WordPress. The link of the course is given in the description of the video. If you want to learn WordPress then you will be able to learn it easily through my course and you also get support from me in the course on email and whatsapp2. I will see the comment 

after four days. I will reply, if it takes time, you get good support in the course. If you want, you can do blogging. Start your own blog. You have learned content writing. Brother, keep writing articles. After some time, you will rank. You earn well by becoming a user. You can create your own video content, write scripts by yourself, record videos and as soon as your channel is monetized, you will earn money. However, I would like to tell you that I would like one of mine, 

do not waste your time if you have even an hour free in the day. So, invest in learning any one skill, any skill, be it content writing, website development, graphic designing, video editing, anything, learn one skill, the one skill learned today will always give you its returns